Interest Rate of Fixed Deposit for Corporate

Interest Rate of Fixed Deposit for Corporate

Sacombank provides you greater earnings high interest rate with the flexibility plan of your saving. Below is a list of Sacombank interest rate with a description.

USD interest rate of fixed deposit for corporate​ (effective from 21/11/2022)

Term IR on Maturity IR Monthly Paid IR Quarterly Paid Prepaid/IR
1 Month 2.50%  2.50%  –  2.48%
2 Months 2.70%  2.70%  –  2.67%
3 Months 4.00%  3.99% 4.00%  3.91%
6 Months 4.40%  4.36%  4.38%  4.20%
9 Months 4.80%  4.72%  4.74%  4.47%
12 Months 5.10% 4.98% 5.01% 4.63%
13 Months 5.20% 5.07%  – 4.68%
15 Months 5.20% 5.05% 5.07% 4.61%
18 Months 5.20% 5.02% 5.04% 4.51%
24 Months 5.50% 5.23% 5.25% 4.55%
36 Months 5.80% 5.36% 5.38% 4.38%
48 Months 5.80% 5.23% 5.25% 4.05%
60 Months 5.80% 5.10% 5.13% 3.77%

KHR interest rate of fixed deposit for Corporate (effective from 21/11/2022)

Term IR on Maturity IR Monthly Paid IR Quarterly Paid Prepaid/IR
1 Month 3.00%  3.00%  –  2.98%
2 Months 3.20%  3.20%  –  3.16%
3 Months 4.50%  4.48%  4.50%  4.40%
6 Months 4.90%  4.85%  4.87%  4.67%
9 Months 5.30%  5.21%  5.23%  4.92%
12 Months 5.60%  5.46%  5.49%  5.06%
13 Months 6.00%  5.83%  –  5.36%
15 Months 6.00%  5.80%  5.83%  5.27%
18 Months 6.00%  5.76%  5.79%  5.15%
24 Months 6.30%  5.95%  5.98%  5.14%
36 Months 6.60%  6.04%  6.07%  4.90%
48 Months 6.60%  5.87%  5.90%  4.51%
60 Months 6.60%  5.72%  5.74%  4.18%
